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《沙的女兒》 製作過程  The Daughter of Sand ( Behind the Scenes )

《沙的女兒》 製作過程 The Daughter of Sand ( Behind the Scenes )

2018國立臺灣藝術大學 多媒體動畫藝術學系 第十二屆畢業製作 沙的女兒 動畫製作過程 The Daughter of Sand ( Behind the Scenes ) 感謝曾幫助過這部作品的人,以及願意觀賞的你:) 故事大綱: 女孩獨自住在沙丘上的小屋,有天她發現屋前的沙地上長出了一朵玫瑰,女孩每天到沙丘下的小湖取水澆花,卻在夜裡發現沙子紛紛崩落,眼看她的房子也將被吞噬,她試圖將房子綁在巨石上,卻在一場沙塵暴中不敵風沙塌陷,當女孩再醒來時,所有沙子都已流入湖中,女孩走到湖畔跳進湖中,發現湖面下的玫瑰園,於是她明白自己擁有的其實並沒有消逝,而是在另一處重生。 The girl lived alone in the little house on the sand dunes. One day she found a rose in the sand in front of the house. She went to the small lake under the sand dunes every day to water the flowers, but also found that the sand kept falling apart. She tried to tie the house to the boulder, but she still lost everything in a sandstorm. When she woke up, all the sand had flowed into the lake. She jumped into the lake and found the rose garden under the lake. She realized that what she had did not disappear, but was born again in another place. 作品理念: 在時間如沙一般的流逝之中,我們都是時間的兒女。 With the passage of time like sand, all of us are children of time. 到我的個人網站看更多幕後花絮↓ Music by Marcus Neely
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